I am a Real estate professional and have sold 20+ new construction homes to my clients. Ben Gelston, Owner of Canopy Builders has been friendly & professional from the moment we met. He has provided personal attention to my buyers who are in contract to purchase a townhome that is currently under construction. Ben’s years of experience in the building industry as a project manager on huge commercial & residential projects makes me & my buyers confident the finished project will be excellent!
- Christian S.
Journey Partners
Canopy Builders was a great partner when I was designing a new home for them. They have an understanding of historic architecture and build homes that are appropriately scaled to the existing neighborhood.
- Jennifer G.
Jennifer Garcia Architecture Studio
Ben & Jason have done a phenomenal job for numerous clients of mine. They build a HIGH quality product and communicate very well throughout the project. Without hesitation I would refer anyone to Canopy Builders for any residential product.
- Nathan B, Realtor
Park Property Group
We also drove through the general Euclid area and spotted many of your builds. Gorgeous work. They're nothing like the sterile other new builds across St Pete and instead give homage to the St Pete style.
- Sam F, Prospective Client